Friday, March 16

OH GOD.....

Finally i get to set my hands on the comp... ITS BEEN HELLISH 4 da last few days, infact the last fortnight. The very fact that i wanted to start grade 12 on a good (as in studying) note, had got me bad. I week of slogging, and there i am, bask to my normal I DON WANNA STUDY self. Itz 2 hard. The comp lab is much better. Itz like soooo boring in class, and well, whatever.
Guess who are teachin us.. the same crap set. Even sections like D n E get better teachers dan C. Y us?????? And then, Vidyamandir. They get from bad to worse. Online Tests in their newest addition to their list on innovations. Tests here, tests there, student nowhere. But however gud manmohan bhaiya gets, hes got me to see. Latest addition to my list of achievements is a way to screw up the Test Room software, and get me quite a lot of time to complete the test, as compated to the limit. Maybe I should seriously think of becoming a software engineer. Maybe I'll enlighten Munna bhaiya about one of the biggest loopholes in their OH-SO-GUD Test room... And yes.. they've announced another test series, and we're way behind on the course...... So adieu to blogging and welcome to slogging for another considerably long interval.. but how can 1 help????????